Big Bull
THC (%):

Big Bull by Kannabia Seed Company is a squat indica with award-winning medicinal properties. Winning 2nd Place for Best Indica Seed at the 2012 Treat Yourself Expo in Toronto, Canada, Big Bull (aka Kannabia Special) grows stalky plants with a tantalizing floral aroma. This nearly pure indica offers relaxing effects that are introspective and meditative, making it perfect for relieving stress or engaging in spiritual exercise (yoga, tai chi, etc). Big Bull is one of Kannabia’s easiest strains to grow, having natural mold and pest resistance alongside a quick 60-day flowering cycle and squat morphology.
What the Strain helps with:
ptsd, lack_of_appetite, add/adhd
Effects: Feelings
relaxed, uplifted, tingly, aroused
Most Common Terpene:
All Strains (Over 2500)